There's Nothing Daffy About Daffodils
Daffodils have been popular for a long, long time. The earliest mention dates back to around 200 B.C.! Today there are too many varieties to count, but generally speaking, all daffodils have a trumpet-shaped corona in the center of the flower, with a ring of petals around it. The classic daffodil color is yellow, but they range from yellow and white to yellow and orange, pink or even lime-green—bright colors you certainly can’t miss in the Spring. However, the time to think about planting daffodils is Fall; it’s easy. Just follow these simple tips for almost certain success.
Basic skills for daffodils
Give them a drink, don't drown them. Daffodils need about an inch of water per week while growing and blooming (March to May). Do not overwater. Waterlogged daffodils will not thrive.
Don't cut and run. After blooming, wait until the foliage begins to turn yellow (typically late May or June) before cutting back.
Feed to succeed. Feed plants in the fall and after they have bloomed in the spring. Use a high-quality, slow-release organic fertilizer, such as Espoma Bulb-tone®. Sprinkle some around each plant, about 2 to 3 inches away.
Time to split. Every 3 to 5 years or so, in early summer, use a spading fork to gently lift the clumps of bulbs out of the ground. Divide and replant them immediately.
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